"Murder" Around the Water Cooler
I asked my local Barns and Noble to put my book on the shelf in late December, and all three copies have sold. A local bookstore called Dominion Books offers a kind of open-mic night for authors to read their work, and I intend to go the evening of February 2nd. Some comments and interactions relating to my book: Catherine arrived late to a meeting saying, "I blame Miles for my tardiness. I got to reading his book and lost track of time." A real page-turner, I guess. I have gotten both positive and negative feedback about the subtitle, "An Intellectual Thriller." Susan thinks it is a good subtitle because it lets readers know what they are getting into. For every reader turned off by it, others might be attracted by the implicit challenge posed by the subtitle. Mike, on the other hand, says, "It makes me feel left out." Mike is always self-deprecating. Gene says that he still thinks that John the Apostle wrote the Gospel According to John and that he is t...