My bio


    I was born in New York City, received my early education in Massachusetts, and attended schools of higher education in Ohio and California, mainly studying the social sciences, psychology especially. I have held various jobs including laundry attendant, substitute teacher, office clerk, and editor.

    I live in Charlottesville, Virginia with the love of my life and two quirky but loveable cats.

I have written numerous articles (mostly non-remuneratively), including these two papers:

"Identification of the Bethany Youth in the Secret Gospel of Mark with other Figures Found in Mark and John," Journal of Higher Criticism 5/1 (Spring, 1998), pp. 3-22.

"City on a Hill: An Interpretation of Matt 5:14B/GThom 32." Journal of Higher Criticism 8 (2001): 68-72.

"Identification," in particular, relates to my novella, Murder in the Grand Bazaar: An Intellectual Thriller (2023).

Sample of "Murder in the Grand Bazaar"

Sample of my yet to be published time-travel novel "Crime of the Centuries"

"Murder" around the Water Cooler: Reactions and Random Thoughts

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